The First Newsletter

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Hi there!! And Welcome to A Pickled Thought …  

This is our first newsletter one of which will arrive in your inbox once a month. We talk about what's going on, for us, in the art world and other interesting and important things. 


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Artist pledge 

The great thing about artist Pledge is that any artist can take part. You can even stand alone without a gallery as it all happens on instagram. The Artist Pledge, created by Matthew Burrows is a response to the global pandemic, COVID- 19. As a painter himself, he immediately acknowledged the impact that the pandemic would have on artists and therefore started the non-profit company, Artist Support Pledge LTD. The pledge works by increasing visibility for artists thought the hashtag, on top of this as an artist selling you may only sell works that are £200 or under. When you reach £1000 you must then reinvest £200 into other artists work, to keep the system continuing.

NHS Nightingale Commission  

Charlie was delighted to be asked to create a painting for the nightingale hospital in Exeter, as part of the COVID-19 effort in Devon. The painting 'Drawn Together' features a nightingale set in a Devonshire landscape as well as the outline shape of the hospital building. The nightingale, which was formerly a Homebase, was built in 56 days to support the NHS hospitals in Devon, Cornwall and the wider south-west region with COVID needs. It will also have a CT scanner to provide much needed safer and faster testing for a range of medical conditions. If you would like to find out more check out this Link


Isabelle and her strange creations…

There will be new work coming to the space soon by me, Isabelle. As of yet, I have only had a few 3D printed ceramics dotted about, but this month I have been pickling some thoughts in mediums of tufting, encaustic and mixed media .. creations ??! My work through university was mostly interactive installations which I can't put in the space as of yet due to COVID.  However this has made me explore new mediums and be inspired by the landscape and histories closer to home. So look out for these soon!! 


This month we will be showing the first-ever run of limited edition prints by Charlie O'Sullivan in our creative space. There will be a range of prices and sizes, framed and unframed! Working with photographer Trevor Burrows in Plymouth we have ensured the best quality images whilst supporting another local business. They will also be framed or mounted by Martin Edwards at Insitju Framing in Modbury, who has done all our framing  for the past 10 years (Please find their details at the bottom of this newsletter). We are very excited to show you these so please check them out on our website where you can order online or come along to our space at 66 High Street Totnes.

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This month’s sources of inspirational thoughts   

Show of the month 

Many of us art lovers have been missing going to the galleries and museums, however many are now creating online alternatives such as Aleph Contemporary with The Just exhibition. The press release explains that ‘The artists in this virtual exhibition all make paintings that explore the ethical and moral dilemmas of human beings, their boundaries and territories, their conflicts and struggles.’ Feel free to check this out at the link below: 

Click here for The Just Exhibition

Book of the month 


Timothy Hyman, The world new-made, Figurative Painting in the 20th century : Check it out here

Who we have Mentioned 

Martin Edwards, Insitju Framing : Click Here for Martins Website

Multi Award Winning Photographer Trevor Burrows ABIPP : Click Here fore Trevor Burrows Website 


The Second Newsletter